JobRouter® module: JobLink for SAP
Directly calling BAPIs
Many processes require interfaces to SAP for optimal process automation. For example, invoices from a process must be parked in SAP and posted after release, or purchase requisitions created in a third-party system must be entered in SAP. With JobRouter® this is now possible simply and directly from the platform - without additional software.
JobLink for SAPI serves as an interface module and offers ready-made scenarios for different requirements. The module is designed so that users can create their own scenarios or easily adapt existing ones. Even if the required scenario is does not exist yet, individual interfaces and SAP calls can be quickly implemented in projects.
It is possible to implement the interface as a system activity anywhere in a JobRouter® process. In addition, a dialog element is available to execute modules directly in the dialog. This enables the user to receive immediate feedback on the performed transaction. So, for example, the user can book an invoice and immediately receive an SAP document number.
Advantages of JobLink for SAP
- call of BAPI components without additional interface software
- can be integrated as system activity at any position of the process
- direct performance of SAP transactions from within JobRouter® forms
- can depict data from SAP in JobRouter® forms
- supports multiple SAP systems (test systems, product systems, etc.)
- utilization of technical users or individual logins
- many scenarios usable out-of-the-box, possibility to create individual scenarios
Advantages of JobLink for SAP
- call of BAPI components without additional interface software
- can be integrated as system activity at any position of the process
- direct performance of SAP transactions from within JobRouter® forms
- can depict data from SAP in JobRouter® forms
- supports multiple SAP systems (test systems, product systems, etc.)
- utilization of technical users or individual logins
- many scenarios usable out-of-the-box, possibility to create individual scenarios
Kommunikationsablauf zwischen JobRouter® und dem SAP-System

How it works
The JobLink for SAP module offers a modular structure, which enables you to store any number of different scenarios that can be integrated into your processes. In JobRouter®, each BAPI scenario has defined input and output parameters. In this way it is possible to transfer the data to the SAP system. The connection is simply made via the user surface during the configuration of the form elements or the system activities.
Any number of SAP systems
In order to work with different SAP systems such as development, test or production systems, JobRouter® can define any number of connections to SAP systems. For each connection, a technical user is defined who executes the transactions.
JobSAP BAPI system activity
With the JobLink for SAP system activity users can perform actions in the SAP system at any point during a process. To do so, they can choose from all installed and licensed scenarios. By linking input and output parameters, you can transfer data to the SAP system and return values back to the process. Some scenarios support the additional transfer of user information.
JobLink for SAP form element
With the JOBSAP-BAPI dialog element a button is displayed that that can be used to execute SAP activities directly. Unlike the system activity, which is performed in the background, these return values can be used directly in the same step dialog. For example, this could be the document number of a new document that is entered in the SAP system. As a result, process performance is not interrupted by automatically performed steps in the background.
Technical and real user
Depending on the type of business process, different requirements for the performance of the transaction in SAP may occur. In many cases, the performance via a technical user, that you centrally store in JobRouter®, is sufficient. In other cases it is necessary to perform the transaction in direct context with the SAP user. Therefore, the respective JobRouter® user has the possibility to maintain their SAP login data. By doing so, they can store accesses to multiple SAP systems, which then are used by JobRouter® for the performance of transactions.
The following scenarios are available at present:
- FI invoice pre-recording and booking
- FI invoice modification
- FI invoice deletion
- MM invoice pre-recording
- MM invoice modification
- MM invoice deletion
- Connect SAP receipt with an archived document (ArchiveLink)
We are happy to provide further scenarios upon request
Learn more about JobRouter® & SAP
Link between SAP and JobRouter®: an overview
Extend your SAP system by workflow functionalities, implicate business processes and business applications with any number of users, and integrate other software products.
Data synchronization between SAP and JobRouter®
JobTable Sync for SAP module make data records from SAP available for JobRouter® processes. This enables you to act in a time-controlled manner and reflect selected tables and data records in the JobRouter® database, to make them available for the workflows
Connect the JobRouter® archive with SAP
JobArchive Link for SAP is the interface between the JobRouter® archive and the SAP application and links archived documents with recorded receipts in the SAP system.