Practice has shown success!
Over 2.000 international companies of all sectors and sizes trust in JobRouter® digital process automation.

Chemical & Pharmaceutical industry

Construction industry


Education & Social affairs

Finance & Insurance

Industry & Engineering

IT & Technology



With JobRouter®, we are well positioned for further growth. With a user interface that logical, training is not really necessary. All locations are connected to JobRouter®, and we have many more ideas on how to automate processes and how to facilitate our work.
Andreas Fürst
Scooter Autoservice GmbH
JobRouter is THE platform for work processes. Whenever I have a process, which involves several employees, releases, and information obligations, JobRouter plays an important role.
Markus Frauenreuther
Director Business Services & Solutions, IT
Schott AG
The JobRouter rental license fits our business model ideally – the instances grant exactly the flexibility that we need.
Magdalena Jesionowska
Product Manager Automotive
The most important feature was the support for the management, to simplify and accelerate approval processes.
Angelika Knauth
IS FACS, focus on Database Administration
Besides agree21, JobRouter® today is the most important software in our bank.
Jochen Wurster
Head of Corporate Service Department
PSD Bank RheinNeckarSaar eG
JobRouter® overcomes all limitations
The business world is permanently changing, which means that we can’t manage everything with the conventional ERPs. The main problem is that these ERPs are generally-oriented, while it is still necessary to adapt them continually to modified company strategies and dynamic business processes. These limitations, which the IT department had to face day by day, were the trigger for the new orientation towards digitization, workflow-BP and GED platforms like JobRouter®.
Younes Fakir
Director of the IT System Group
Global Engines